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Speaker > Biography

Diego de la Torre de la PiedraDiego de la Torre de la Piedra

Chief Executive Officer, La Viga
President, Congreso Anual de Ejecutivos 2007

Spanish | English

Mr. de la Torre is co-founder of La Viga S.A, the largest building materials distribution company in Perú. Mr. de la Torre has, in part, been able to achieve such considerable success because his ability to build cultural and business bridges between the Andean migrants from the highlands and the “western” sector of Perúvian society. He developed the intangible assets of his company that allowed the design of structure, culture and business processes that have become benchmarks in the industry. La Viga is ranked among the top 150 companies in Perú.

He is also the founder of Quikrete Perú, a joint venture with an American company, which has led and pioneered the production and development of dry ready mix concrete in the Perúvian market. Mr. de la Torre is also Professor of Business at the Universidad del Pacífico in Lima. His research interests include the dynamics of start-ups and how to foster trust, understanding and ethical business relationships. He is an international speaker in the subjects of corporate strategy and intangible assets management. He has been a main speaker on these subjects in many institutions in the United States and Canada. He was recently invited by the Canadian Government to make a presentation about corporate social responsibility at the Organization of American States in Washington D.C.

Currently, he is researching about how good corporate governance practices can boost the market capitalization of the companies. This year he was one of the speakers at the Global Leadership Summit in London, event organized by the London Business School, the Financial Times and Business Week Magazine. Additionally, Mr. de la Torre is Board Member of important Perúvian companies and organizations. He holds an MBA from London Business School (England) and a B.S. in Business from Universidad del Pacifico in Lima, Perú.



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